Thanks for reading my blog!
I am a professional with a genuine passion for project management and I will be sharing my viewpoint about this discipline at 360°.
I am glad to receive feedback about my notes from other professionals working in the same area or from people interested to read and understand more about this outstanding profession.
My posts originate and are based upon a direct and concrete experience as project manager, but I don't share any detail and/or names about real cases for privacy reasons.
The following statement may sound a bit legal language, I just want to be clear and avoid ambiguities: in no way my posts represent the opinions of others, or they are intended to judge the actions of any company mentioned, regardless I may have worked for them or not. The posts published in the blog are based upon my personal thoughts and knowledge and they are published with the sole purpose to entertain and to create a community that is a fan of project management like I am.
I do not sell any product through this website. In case of doubts, please read the T&C page.
Employed in Information Technology in the first part of my career, I have been working for many years in the heavy industry. I have consolidated a significant experience in international and demanding business environment, managing large projects featured by long lead time execution, high technical complexity, large team management, installation in remote locations and new products cycle.
I have a bachelor degree in mechanical engineering and I am certified by IPMA (International Project Management Association) as senior project manager.